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Climate History

Darlington (37.9985°S, 143.0514°E, 139m AMSL) set as my default location ›

  1. Last 7 days

    Recently climate history in Darlington (37.9985°S, 143.0514°E, 139m AMSL)
      Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed
    Min Max 14.2° 27.7° 15.2° 32.5° 15.5° 35.1° 15.9° 35.9° 17.3° 34.9° 19.9° 33.0° 17.8° 30.3°
    Rainfall 0.0mm 0.0mm 0.0mm 0.0mm 0.0mm 2.6mm 0.0mm
  2. Max temp history

    Darlington maximum temp history (37.9985°S, 143.0514°E, 139m AMSL)
    Hottest ever this month 41.5° 26/03/2013
    Hottest this year 42.6° 27/01/2025
    Hottest this month 35.9° 09/03/2025
    Long term average 24.0°  
    Average this month 30.2°  
    Hottest March on record Avg. max. temp. 28.2° 2013
  3. Min temp history

    Darlington minimum temp history (37.9985°S, 143.0514°E, 139m AMSL)
    Coldest ever -1.3° 27/03/1995
    Coldest this year 2.4° 17/02/2025
    Coldest this month 5.7° 04/03/2025
    Long term average 10.0°  
    Average this month 13.1°  
    Coldest March on record Avg. min. temp. 7.2° 1991
  4. Mean rainfall and temperature

    Mean rainfall and temperature