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Arawata (38.3949°S, 145.8882°E, 286m AMSL) set as my default location ›

  1. Current conditions

    Mostly cloudy
    Currently at Warragul (Nilma North) 15.7°
    Dew point
    Relative humidity
    feels like
    SW 15km/h
    Rainfall since 9am
  2. Radar

  3. Temperature, dew point, and rainfall

  4. Wind gusts

    Show all observations ›
    Observation Time Wind Direction Wind Speed (km/h) Wind Gusts (km/h) Pressure (hPa)
    Tue 14:00 SW 15.0 26.0 1016.4
    Tue 15:00 SW 17.0 30.0 1016.2
    Tue 16:00 SW 9.0 19.0 1016.7
    Tue 17:00 SW 9.0 20.0 1016.7
    Tue 18:00 SW 13.0 24.0 1016.8
    Tue 19:00 W 13.0 24.0 1016.9