Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
Major Flood Warning For The Flinders Rivers
Issued at 02:38 PM EST on Sunday 09 February 2025
Flood Warning Number: 4
Moderate flooding continues at Richmond, where further rises to the major flood level are possible from overnight Sunday into Monday. As this floodwater extends downstream, minor flooding may develop at Walkers Bend from later in the week.
Further showers and thunderstorms are forecast across the Flinders River catchment during the next few days, which may cause further river and creek level rises and prolonged flooding. This situation is being closely monitored, and warnings will be updated as required.
Flinders River to Richmond:
Major flooding is possible along the Flinders River to Richmond.
As of 8:30 am Saturday morning, the Flinders River at Richmond was at 7.15 metres and rising, above the moderate flood level (6.00 metres).
The Flinders River at Richmond may reach the major flood level (8.00 metres) overnight Sunday into Monday.
Flinders River downstream of Richmond:
Minor flooding is possible along the Flinders River downstream of Richmond.
The Flinders River at Walkers Bend is currently at 0.95 metres and steady, below the minor flood level (5.00 metres).
The Flinders River at Walkers Bend may reach the minor flood level (5.00 metres) during later in the week as floodwaters arrive from upstream.
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at
Next issue:
The next warning will be issued by 03:00 pm EST on Monday 10 February 2025.
Latest River Heights:
Porcupine Ck at Mt Emu Plains TM,2.61,Falling,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Flinders R at Glendower Crossing TM,2.85,Falling,12:20 PM SUN 09/02/25
Flinders R at Punchbowl TM,5.62,Steady,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Flinders R at Etta Plains TM,7.32,Steady,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cloncurry R at Cloncurry TM,1.18,Steady,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Gilliat R at Wills Dev Rd TM,6.20,Steady,11:00 AM SUN 09/02/25
Julia Ck at Julia Ck TM,2.57,Steady,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cloncurry R at Canobie Auto TM,6.21,Rising,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Flinders R at Walkers Bend TM,0.98,Rising,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at
Mosman Park (20.0909°S, 146.2616°E, 338m AMSL) Mosman Park,QLD set as my default location ›
7 day forecast
Mosman Park 7 day forecast
Today: Cloudy. Very high chance of rain in the N, high chance elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe, with possible heavy falls in the N from the late morning. Winds E/NE 20 to 30 km/h decreasing to 15 to 20 km/h in the evening. Daytime maximum temperatures 26 to 32.
Forecast for Mosman Park (20.0909°S, 146.2616°E, 338m AMSL) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Summary Minimum 21° 21° 22° 21° 22° 22° 23° Maximum 29° 30° 31° 33° 35° 35° 33° Chance of rain 70% 80% 70% 50% 50% 60% 80% Likely amount 5-10mm 10-20mm 5-10mm 1-5mm < 1mm 1-5mm 5-10mm UV index Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Fire Danger Rating Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate - - - Frost risk Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Wind speed 10
(km/h)Wind direction SE ESE E E ESE ESE ESE ESE ENE E N NNE NNW SW Relative humidity 88% 83% 86% 88% 90% 88% 84% 67% 82% 64% 79% 63% 80% 62% Dew point 22°C 25°C 24°C 26°C 25°C 28°C 24°C 25°C 25°C 26°C 25°C 26°C 25°C 24°C First light 5:40am 5:41am 5:41am 5:42am 5:42am 5:43am 5:44am Sunrise 6:03am 6:04am 6:04am 6:05am 6:05am 6:06am 6:06am Sunset 6:55pm 6:54pm 6:54pm 6:53pm 6:53pm 6:52pm 6:52pm Last light 7:18pm 7:17pm 7:17pm 7:16pm 7:16pm 7:15pm 7:15pm -
Sunrise and sunset times
Sunrise / Sunset for Mosman Park (20.0909°S, 146.2616°E, 338m AMSL) First light Sunrise Sunset Last light Moon rise Moon set Moon phase Full moon Last quarter New moon First quarter 5:40am EST 6:03am EST 6:55pm EST 7:18pm EST 4:31pm EST 2:26am EST Waxing gibbous
Full moon Feb 13 Last quarter Feb 21 New moon Feb 28 First quarter Mar 07 Mosman Park sun & moon times
SundayFirst light5:40am
ESTLast light7:18pm
ESTMoon phaseNext OccurrenceMoon riseSun
ESTMoon setSun
ESTFull moonFull moon Thu
Feb 13
Last quarterLast quarter Fri
Feb 21
New moonNew moon Fri
Feb 28
First quarterFirst quarter Fri
Mar 07
Weather Warnings
Sun 2:38pm UTC Flood warning QLDSun 2:38pm UTC Flood warning QLDAustralian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
Minor Flood Warning For The Thomson And Barcoo Rivers
Issued at 02:38 PM EST on Sunday 09 February 2025
Flood Warning Number: 5
Significant rainfall totals have been observed over upper parts of the Thomson and Barcoo Rivers catchment during the last week.
Along the Barcoo River, the flood peak is now downstream of Isisford. Along the Thomson River, river level peaks are towards upstream of Muttaburra. Flood waters will continue to move downstream over the next week.
Further showers and thunderstorms are possible for the next few days.
Thomson River:
Minor flooding may occur along the Thomson River.
No recent observations are available for the Thomson River at Camoola Park, however the river level at Camoola Park is expected to be below the minor flood level (2.0 m).
The Thomson River at Camoola Park may reach the minor flood level (2.00 m) during Tuesday as floodwaters arrive from upstream.
Barcoo River downstream of Isisford:
Minor flooding is likely along the Barcoo River downstream of Isisford.
The Barcoo River at Retreat is currently at 1.31 metres and rising, below the minor flood level (2.14 m).
The Barcoo River at Retreat is likely to reach the minor flood level (2.14 m) during Sunday evening. Further rises are possible as floodwaters arrive from upstream.
Barcoo River at Isisford:
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at
Next issue:
The next warning will be issued by 03:00 pm EST on Monday 10 February 2025.
Latest River Heights:
Cornish Ck at Bowen Downs TM,4.95,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Thomson R at Longreach Auto TM,1.61,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Thomson R at Bogewong TM,1.95,Steady,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Barcoo R at Coolagh,3.80,Falling,06:30 AM SUN 09/02/25
Alice R at Barcaldine Weir Auto TM,3.81,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Barcoo R at Isisford,3.00,Rising,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Barcoo R at Glenlock,3.05,Rising,06:00 PM SAT 08/02/25
Barcoo R at Retreat TM,1.31,Rising,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cooper Ck at Windorah (Long Crossing) TM,2.61,Steady,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cooper Ck at Lignum Channel TM,-0.41,Steady,12:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cooper Ck at Nappa Merrie TM,0.48,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at 2:31pm UTC Flood warning QLDAustralian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
Major Flood Warning For The Western River And Flood Warning For The Diamantina River
Issued at 02:31 PM EST on Sunday 09 February 2025
Flood Warning Number: 5
Reissued to correct major flood level at Winton
Heavy rainfall over the last several days has caused river level rises across the upper Diamantina River catchment.
Major flooding is estimated to be occurring along the Western River at Winton, with minor to moderate flooding occurring along the Diamantina River.
Showers and storms are possible in the upper Diamantina River catchment for the next few days, which may cause renewed river level rises.
The situation is being closely monitored, and warnings will be updated as necessary.
Predictions for downstream locations will be provided as upstream peaks are observed.
Diamantina River to Diamantina Lakes:
Minor flooding is occurring along the Diamantina River at Elderslie. Further downstream, moderate flooding is continuing at Diamantina Lakes, with the river level currently at 4.03 metres and steady, which is 1.93 metres above the level of the causeway on the Springvale Diamantina Lakes Road (2.10 metres).
Western River:
Major flooding may be occurring along the Western River.
No recent river level observations are available for Winton. Based on nearby gauges, the river is estimated to be above the major flood level (3.50 metres) and rising.
The Western River at Winton may remain above the major flood level (3.50 m) overnight Sunday into Monday. Further rises are possible with forecast rainfall.
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at
Next issue:
The next warning will be issued by 03:00 pm EST on Monday 10 February 2025.
Latest River Heights:
Mills Ck at Oondooroo TM,3.50,Falling,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Diamantina R at Elderslie,2.25,Rising,06:00 AM SUN 09/02/25
Diamantina R at Diamantina Lakes TM,4.03,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at 1:50pm UTC Flood warning QLDAustralian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
Major Flood Warning For The Cape And Upper Burdekin Rivers And Moderate Flood Warning For The Lower Burdekin And Suttor Rivers
Issued at 01:50 PM EST on Sunday 09 February 2025
Flood Warning Number: 34
River level rises are occurring along the upper Burdekin River with renewed major flooding occurring at Sellheim (Macrossan Bridge). Moderate river levels at Burdekin Falls Dam are approaching a prolonged peak into Monday, with moderate flooding expected to continue downstream of the dam until at least Tuesday. River levels at Inkerman Bridge are now likely to remain moderate during Sunday with a prolonged moderate peak into Monday. Predictions for the lower Burdekin will be updated once the peak at Burdekin Falls Dam has been observed.
Major and moderate flood peaks, respectively, are likely to continue into Monday along the Cape River at Taemas and the Suttor River at St Anns.
Further rainfall and the chance of thunderstorms are forecast for the next few days, which are most likely to prolong these extended flood peaks during this week, though renewed river level rises cannot be ruled out entirely.
A Severe Weather Warning is current for parts of the North Tropical Coast and Tablelands and Herbert and Lower Burdekin Forecast Districts
The flood situation is being closely monitored and forecasts and warnings will be updated as required.
Belyando and Suttor Rivers to Burdekin Falls Dam:
Moderate flooding is occurring along the Belyando and Suttor Rivers to Burdekin Falls Dam.
The Suttor River at St Anns is currently at 7.10 metres and steady around a peak, above the moderate flood level (6.50 metres).
The Suttor River at St Anns is likely to experience an extended moderate peak around the current level (7.10 metres) during the remainder of Sunday and into Monday.
Cape River to Burdekin Falls Dam:
Major flooding is occurring along the Cape River to Burdekin Falls Dam.
The Cape River at Taemas is currently at 9.51 metres and rising, above the major flood level (8.00 metres).
The Cape River at Taemas may reach around 9.50 metres overnight Sunday into Monday, with major flooding.
Burdekin River to Burdekin Falls Dam:
Major flooding is occurring along the Burdekin River to Burdekin Falls Dam.
The Burdekin River at Sellheim is currently at 16.40 metres and rising, above the major flood level (15.00 metres).
The Burdekin River at Sellheim may reach around 18.00 metres early Sunday evening, with major flooding, as a peak currently around Gainsford arrives. The river level is likely to remain above the major flood level (15.00 m) overnight Sunday into Monday, with further rises and higher levels possible as further flows from a second peak observed Sunday morning at Mt Fullstop arrive.
The Burdekin River at Burdekin Dam is currently at 6.03 metres and falling, with moderate flooding.
The Burdekin River at Burdekin Dam is likely to experience small renewed rises, and may reach around 6.30 metres during Monday, with moderate flooding. The river level is expected to remain above the moderate flood level (5.50 m) until Tuesday.
Burdekin River downstream of Burdekin Falls Dam:
Moderate flooding is occurring along the Burdekin River downstream of Burdekin Falls Dam.
The Burdekin River at Dalbeg is currently at 17.73 metres and falling, above the moderate flood level (15.00 metres).
The Burdekin River at Dalbeg may reach around 18.00 metres overnight Sunday with an extended flood peak into Monday. The river level is expected to remain above the moderate flood level (15.00 m) until Tuesday.
The Burdekin River at Clare is currently at 14.60 metres and steady, above the moderate flood level (13.00 m).
The Burdekin River at Clare may reach around 15.20 metres overnight Sunday with an extended moderate flood peak into Monday. The river level is expected to remain above the moderate flood level (13.00 m) until Tuesday.
The Burdekin River at Inkerman Bridge was estimated to be approximately 11.00 metres around 1:00 pm Sunday, above the moderate flood level (10.00 m).
The Burdekin River at Inkerman Bridge may reach around 11.50 metres overnight Sunday into Monday, with an extended moderate flood peak that may be prolonged with forecast rainfall. The river level is expected to remain above the moderate flood level (10.00 m) until Wednesday.
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at
Next issue:
The next warning will be issued by 06:00 pm EST on Sunday 09 February 2025.
Latest River Heights:
Burdekin R at Mt Fullstop TM,15.60,Falling,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Running River at Mt Bradley TM,3.46,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Star R at Laroona TM,6.79,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Paluma Dam Alert,0.18,Rising,04:51 PM SAT 08/02/25
Burdekin R at Gainsford TM,16.56,Rising,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Keelbottom Ck at Keelbottom TM,2.54,Falling,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Sellheim Alert,16.40,Rising,01:35 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Sellheim TM,16.44,Falling,01:20 PM SUN 09/02/25
Alpha Ck at Rivington Alert,0.67,Steady,01:05 PM SUN 09/02/25
Belyando R at Belyando Crossing TM,6.93,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Suttor R at St Anns Alert,7.10,Steady,11:22 AM SUN 09/02/25
Suttor R at St Anns TM,7.12,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cape R at Pentland TM,3.25,Rising,01:20 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cape R at Taemas Alert,9.51,Rising,01:35 PM SUN 09/02/25
Cape R at Taemas TM,9.42,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Burdekin Dam Alert,6.03,Falling,01:11 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Burdekin Dam TM,6.11,Falling,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Bowen R at Myuna Alert,2.72,Falling,12:31 PM SUN 09/02/25
Bowen R at Myuna TM,2.70,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Dalbeg Alert,17.73,Falling,01:43 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Dalbeg TM,17.74,Falling,01:03 PM SUN 09/02/25
Bogie R at Strathbogie Alert,2.27,Falling,12:17 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Millaroo Alert,15.50,Falling,01:48 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Clare Alert,14.60,Steady,12:56 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Clare TM,14.60,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Inkerman Br Alert,11.00,Steady,01:00 PM SUN 09/02/25
Burdekin R at Rita Island Alert,2.70,Falling,01:19 PM SUN 09/02/25
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at 10:56am UTC Severe weather advice QLDAustralian Government Bureau of Meteorology
Severe Weather Warning
for Heavy Rainfall
for parts of Peninsula, Gulf Country, North Tropical Coast and Tablelands, Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders and Herbert and Lower Burdekin Forecast Districts.
Issued at 10:56 am Sunday, 9 February 2025.
Heavy rainfall continues across northern Queensland into the early part of the week.
Weather Situation
Significant rainfall may continue about northern Queensland, with a monsoon trough in place and rich tropical moisture until early Wednesday. Enhanced rainfall due to widespread showers and isolated embedded thunderstorms is possible throughout the remainder weekend and into the early part of the week, with extremely wet soils and river catchments leading to a higher than normal vulnerability to flash flooding.
HEAVY RAINFALL for the following areas:
Peninsula, Gulf Country, North Tropical Coast and Tablelands, Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders and Herbert and Lower Burdekin
For North Tropical Coast and Herbert and Lower Burdekin:
Rainfall has temporarily eased, however showers and thunderstorms may still produce localised HEAVY RAINFALL which may lead to DANGEROUS AND LIFE-THREATENING FLASH FLOODING. Broad areas of HEAVY RAINFALL are forecast to redevelop early Tuesday morning and persist for much of the day. Six-hourly rainfall totals between 120 to 180 mm are possible today and Monday and could increase on Tuesday. Isolated 24-hourly rainfall totals up to 200 mm are possible.
For Gulf Country and Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders:
HEAVY RAINFALL which may lead to DANGEROUS AND LIFE-THREATENING FLASH FLOODING is forecast to develop this afternoon mostly northwest of Dunbar to Normanton and extending throughout the remainder of the area early Monday morning. Six-hourly rainfall totals between 120 to 150 mm are possible. Isolated 24-hourly rainfall totals up to 250 mm are possible.
Rainfall is forecast to ease across the warning area early Wednesday morning.
Heavy rainfall increases the potential for landslides and debris across roads.
A Flood Watch and various Flood Warnings are current for parts of Queensland. Please refer to for more information.
Locations which may be affected include Townsville, Georgetown, Normanton, Ingham, Croydon and Kowanyama.
Emergency services advise people to:
* Park your car undercover away from trees.
* Close doors and windows.
* Keep asthma medications close by. Storms and wind can trigger asthma attacks.
* Charge mobile phones and power banks in case the power goes out.
* Put your pets somewhere safe and make sure they can be identified in case they get lost.
* Do not drive now unless you have to because conditions are dangerous.
* Tell friends, family and neighbours in the area.
* Go inside a strong building now. Stay inside until the storm has passed.
The next Severe Weather Warning will be issued by 5:00 pm AEST Sunday.
Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau's website at or call 1300 659 210. The Bureau and emergency services would appreciate warnings being broadcast regularly.Sun 10:56am UTC Severe weather advice QLDAustralian Government Bureau of Meteorology
Severe Weather Warning
for Heavy Rainfall
for parts of Peninsula, Gulf Country, North Tropical Coast and Tablelands, Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders and Herbert and Lower Burdekin Forecast Districts.
Issued at 10:56 am Sunday, 9 February 2025.
Heavy rainfall continues across northern Queensland into the early part of the week.
Weather Situation
Significant rainfall may continue about northern Queensland, with a monsoon trough in place and rich tropical moisture until early Wednesday. Enhanced rainfall due to widespread showers and isolated embedded thunderstorms is possible throughout the remainder weekend and into the early part of the week, with extremely wet soils and river catchments leading to a higher than normal vulnerability to flash flooding.
HEAVY RAINFALL for the following areas:
Peninsula, Gulf Country, North Tropical Coast and Tablelands, Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders and Herbert and Lower Burdekin
For North Tropical Coast and Herbert and Lower Burdekin:
Rainfall has temporarily eased, however showers and thunderstorms may still produce localised HEAVY RAINFALL which may lead to DANGEROUS AND LIFE-THREATENING FLASH FLOODING. Broad areas of HEAVY RAINFALL are forecast to redevelop early Tuesday morning and persist for much of the day. Six-hourly rainfall totals between 120 to 180 mm are possible today and Monday and could increase on Tuesday. Isolated 24-hourly rainfall totals up to 200 mm are possible.
For Gulf Country and Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders:
HEAVY RAINFALL which may lead to DANGEROUS AND LIFE-THREATENING FLASH FLOODING is forecast to develop this afternoon mostly northwest of Dunbar to Normanton and extending throughout the remainder of the area early Monday morning. Six-hourly rainfall totals between 120 to 150 mm are possible. Isolated 24-hourly rainfall totals up to 250 mm are possible.
Rainfall is forecast to ease across the warning area early Wednesday morning.
Heavy rainfall increases the potential for landslides and debris across roads.
A Flood Watch and various Flood Warnings are current for parts of Queensland. Please refer to for more information.
Locations which may be affected include Townsville, Georgetown, Normanton, Ingham, Croydon and Kowanyama.
Emergency services advise people to:
* Park your car undercover away from trees.
* Close doors and windows.
* Keep asthma medications close by. Storms and wind can trigger asthma attacks.
* Charge mobile phones and power banks in case the power goes out.
* Put your pets somewhere safe and make sure they can be identified in case they get lost.
* Do not drive now unless you have to because conditions are dangerous.
* Tell friends, family and neighbours in the area.
* Go inside a strong building now. Stay inside until the storm has passed.
The next Severe Weather Warning will be issued by 5:00 pm AEST Sunday.
Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau's website at or call 1300 659 210. The Bureau and emergency services would appreciate warnings being broadcast regularly.Sun 8:05am UTC Flood warning QLDAustralian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
Major Flood Warning For The Herbert River
Issued at 08:05 AM EST on Sunday 09 February 2025
Flood Warning Number: 35
Heavy rainfall has been observed across the Herbert River catchment overnight Saturday into Sunday, particularly over the lower reaches of the catchment. This rainfall has resulted in renewed river level rises and areas of minor to major flooding are occurring along the Herbert River, however at this stage, river levels are not expected to reach higher levels observed earlier this month. Further heavy rainfall and thunderstorms are forecast for the remainder of Sunday and the next few days.
A Severe Weather Warning for heavy rainfall is current for parts of North Tropical Coast and Tablelands and Herbert and Lower Burdekin Forecast Districts.
The flood situation is being closely monitored and forecasts and warnings will be updated as required.
Herbert River to Nash's Crossing:
Moderate flooding may occur along the Herbert River to Nash's Crossing.
No recent observations are available for the Herbert River at Gleneagle, however, based on the nearby automatic gauge, the river level at Gleneagle is expected to be above the minor flood level (4.50 m).
The Herbert River at Gleneagle may reach the moderate flood level (8.50 m) overnight Sunday into Monday, with forecast rainfall. Further rises are possible.
Herbert River downstream of Nash's Crossing:
Major flooding is occurring along the Herbert River downstream of Nash's Crossing.
The Herbert River at Abergowrie Bridge is currently at 8.25 metres and steady, above the minor flood level (6.00 m).
The Herbert River at Abergowrie Bridge may reach the moderate flood level (10.00 m) overnight Sunday into Monday, with forecast rainfall. Further rises are possible.
The Herbert River at Ingham Pump Station (Alert gauge) is currently at 10.04 metres and rising, above the minor flood level (10.00 m).
The Herbert River at Ingham Pump Station may reach the moderate flood level (11.00 m) overnight Sunday into Monday, with forecast rainfall. Further rises are possible.
The Herbert River at Gairloch (Alert gauge) is currently at 9.54 metres and rising, above the minor flood level (9.50 m).
The Herbert River at Gairloch may reach the moderate flood level (10.50 m) overnight Sunday into Monday, with forecast rainfall. Further rises are possible.
The Herbert River at Halifax is currently at 5.11 metres and rising, above the major flood level (5.00 m).
The Herbert River at Halifax may remain above the major flood level (5.00 m) during Sunday. The river level may reach around 5.40 metres Sunday afternoon. Further rises are possible with forecast rainfall.
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at
Next issue:
The next warning will be issued by 05:00 pm EST on Sunday 09 February 2025.
Latest River Heights:
Wild R at Silver Valley TM,3.37,Falling,06:20 AM SUN 09/02/25
Rudd Ck at Gunnawarra TM,5.77,Steady,06:00 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Gleneagle Alert,6.00,Falling,05:20 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Gleneagle TM,6.01,Rising,06:00 AM SUN 09/02/25
Blencoe Creek at Blencoe Falls TM,4.15,Steady,06:00 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Nashs Crossing Alert,4.80,Steady,06:25 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Zattas Alert,3.30,Falling,11:34 AM SAT 08/02/25
Herbert R at Abergowrie Br Alert,8.25,Falling,06:35 AM SUN 09/02/25
Stone R at Peacock Siding Alert,5.50,Falling,07:11 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Trebonne Alert,9.70,Rising,07:17 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Ingham Pump Stn Alert,10.04,Rising,07:00 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Ingham Pump Stn TM,9.97,Rising,06:00 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Gairloch (Auto) Alert,9.54,Rising,07:27 AM SUN 09/02/25
Herbert R at Halifax Alert,5.11,Rising,07:11 AM SUN 09/02/25
Lucinda Pt Tide TM,3.72,Steady,07:06 AM SUN 09/02/25
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at extended forecasts and greater detail visit weather zone°- Major Flood Warning For The Flinders Rivers
- Minor Flood Warning For The Thomson And Barcoo Rivers
- Major Flood Warning For The Western River And Flood Warning For The Diamantina River
- Major Flood Warning For The Cape And Upper Burdekin Rivers And Moderate Flood Warning For The Lower Burdekin And Suttor Rivers
- Severe Weather Warning ( Rain) Peninsula, G Country, North Tropical Cst & Tablelands, Nthn Goldfields & UFlinders & Herbert
- Severe Weather Warning ( Rain) Peninsula, G Country, North Tropical Cst & Tablelands, Nthn Goldfields & UFlinders & Herbert
- Major Flood Warning For The Herbert River
Temperature for next 7 days
0 Sunday Sunday 29 1 Monday Monday 30 2 Tuesday Tuesday 31 3 Wednesday Wednesday 33 4 Thursday Thursday 35 5 Friday Friday 35 6 Saturday Saturday 33 7 Saturday Saturday 33 -
Rain for next 7 days
0 Sunday Sunday 10 1 Monday Monday 20 2 Tuesday Tuesday 10 3 Wednesday Wednesday 5 4 Thursday Thursday 0 5 Friday Friday 5 6 Saturday Saturday 10 7 Saturday Saturday 10