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  • Moderate Flood Warning For The Logan River And Final Flood Warning For The Albert River Tue 11 Mar 2025

    Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
    Moderate Flood Warning For The Logan River And Final Flood Warning For The Albert River 
    Issued at 05:02 PM EST on Tuesday 11 March 2025
    Flood Warning Number: 22
    **Reissue of Flood Warning number 22 to correct title**
     Following heavy to locally intense rainfall over the Logan and Albert River catchments over the last week, flooding is continuing to ease.
     Further showers and rainfall are possible over the coming days but are not expected to cause significant renewed river level rises.
    Logan River to Yarrahappini:
    Minor flooding is easing along the Logan River to Yarrahappini. Flooding is easing along Teviot Brook at Boonah.
    The Logan River at Beaudesert is currently at 5.92 metres and falling, above the minor flood level (5.50 m).
    The Logan River at Beaudesert is likely to fall below the minor flood level (5.50 m) Tuesday evening.
    Logan River downstream of Yarrahappini:
    Minor to moderate flooding is occurring along the Logan River downstream of Yarrahappini.
    The Logan River at Maclean Bridge is currently at 14.49 metres and falling slowly, above the moderate flood level (13.50 m).
    The Logan River at Maclean Bridge is likely to remain above the moderate flood level (13.50 m) overnight Tuesday into Wednesday.
    The Logan River at Waterford is currently at 7.35 metres and falling slowly, above the minor flood level (6.00 metres).
    The Logan River at Waterford is expected to remain above the minor flood level (6.00 m) overnight Tuesday into Wednesday.
    The Logan River at Parklands is currently at 4.14 metres and falling slowly, above the moderate flood level (4.00 m).
    The Logan River at Parklands may fall below the moderate flood level (4.00 m) Tuesday evening.
    Albert River:
    Minor flooding has eased along the Albert River.
    The Albert River at Wolffdene is currently at 4.60 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (6.00 m).
    The Albert River at Wolffdene is expected to remain below the minor flood level (6.00 m).
    The Albert River at Beenleigh is currently at 3.02 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (3.50 m).
    The Albert River at Beenleigh is expected to remain below the minor flood level (3.50 m).
    Flood Safety Advice:
    Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
    Current emergency information is available at
    Next issue:
    The next warning will be issued by 11:00 am EST on Wednesday 12 March 2025.
    Latest River Heights:
    Albert R at Lumeah Alert,2.00,Falling,03:35 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Albert R at Lumeah TM,2.01,Falling,04:00 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Albert R at Bromfleet TM,5.90,Falling,04:00 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Albert R at Wolffdene Alert,4.50,Falling,04:59 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Albert R at Beenleigh Alert,2.97,Falling,04:50 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Burnett Ck at Maroon Dam Alert,2.14,Falling,04:27 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Burnett Ck at Maroon Dam TM,209.30,Steady,03:00 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Forest Home TM,2.39,Steady,04:00 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Rathdowney Alert,5.05,Falling,04:55 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Rathdowney TM,5.11,Falling,04:15 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Christmas Ck at Tramway Lane TM,2.88,Falling,04:00 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Round Mountain Alert,7.50,Rising,04:55 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Round Mountain TM,7.48,Falling,04:25 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Beaudesert Alert,5.92,Steady,04:39 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Teviot Bk at Boonah Alert,4.25,Falling,04:46 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Teviot Bk at Wyaralong Dam TM,64.33,Steady,03:00 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Teviot Bk at Wyaralong Dam Alert,0.74,Falling,02:47 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Yarrahappini Alert,13.69,Falling,04:37 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Yarrahappini TM,13.75,Falling,04:20 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Maclean Br Alert,14.49,Falling,04:38 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Logan Village Alert,11.56,Falling,04:46 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan R at Waterford Alert,7.35,Falling,04:45 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Slacks Ck at Loganlea Rd Alert,5.60,Falling,03:50 PM TUE 11/03/25
    Logan River at Parklands Alert,4.09,Falling,04:58 PM TUE 11/03/25
    This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at